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“What’s Love Got To Do With It?” 

Happy Valentine’s Day, and also Black History Month!  Both of these events occur in February, and at first glance seem not to be related.   However, ultimately, they both have a foundation of caring and concern, albeit expressed differently.  Come this Sunday to explore “What’s Love Got To Do WIth It,”and see how our UU “theology … Continue reading “What’s Love Got To Do With It?” 

“Celebrating Jazz Poet Langston Hughes”

Inspired by “Langston Hughes: the Poet, the Man, the Message” by Rev. Ben Bortin and adapted by Erica Merchant, this service will honor the life and achievements of Langston Hughes, who was called the Poet Laureate of Harlem. The service will emphasize themes of struggle and resilience running through Hughes’ dynamic poetry. We will explore Hughes’ early years, his deep connection to jazz and blues, … Continue reading “Celebrating Jazz Poet Langston Hughes”

“Deep Energies Of Life: Wisdom of Imbolc”

This service is being adapted from many different sources including Imbolc Reflections by Rev. Josh Pawelek and Peggy Gagne and Wiccan magazine.  Here at the mid-point between Solstice and Equinox, here in the stirring of the season of new life, we can find wisdom and inspiration for how to live now by considering the ancient traditions … Continue reading “Deep Energies Of Life: Wisdom of Imbolc”