Our Worship Service

We gather in worship to find meaning in our lives and live more deeply. Worship creates connections among us and calls us to live with wisdom and compassion.

  • Elements of a typical UU Sunday morning worship service include:
  • Words of welcome
  • Lighting a flaming chalice, the symbol of our faith
  • A multigenerational segment such as “a story for all ages”
  • Music, both instrumental and vocal, and in a variety of styles
  • A time for lifting up the joys and concerns of the congregation
  • A meditation or prayer
  • Readings, ancient or contemporary
  • A sermon given by a professional minister, a guest speaker or a member of the
  • An offering, collecting financial donations for the congregation or for justice
    work in the community

From time to time worship incorporates holiday celebrations, multi generational plays and pageants, longer musical performances, or coming of age ceremonies. Also, several times a year we have shared services with the two other Unitarian churches in the area. Children 5 and over usually stay in the service until the “story for all ages” at which time they join their Religious Education class. Following the service, everyone is invited to stay for coffee, cookies, and conversation.


Music is an integral part of our church life at NSUU. With many talented musicians in the congregation, we are able to draw from a wide variety of musical sources, instruments, and styles. Our Choir is active from August through May of each year with performances at least once a month with special music services in May and December. All are welcome!!