Speaker: Tamara Murray

Doubts and Loves: Israel/Palestine Perspectives and Peace

Sermon by The Rev. Dr. J. Carl Gregg, originally presented 8 August 2021 at the The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Frederick, MD (UUCF) Bio: The Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg (he/him) has been the minister of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Frederick, Maryland since 2012. He holds a Doctor of Ministry and a Diploma in the … Continue reading Doubts and Loves: Israel/Palestine Perspectives and Peace

The Otherwise World

Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd, River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation Video sermon delivered  9/17/2023 How do we deal with the fact that the world could be (should be?) other than it is? Better? With the world and the “otherwise world” we might wish for? This sermon explores some strategies for dealing with this distance, and some … Continue reading The Otherwise World

Ritual and Remembrance

Ritual and Remembrance Sermon by Rev. Chris Jimmerson,originally delivered September 11, 2016 at First UU Church of Austin Fifteen years (now 22 years) after the attack of September 11, what are the ways we remember those whom we lost? How does ritual help us make sense of the events of our lives? Tamara Murray will … Continue reading Ritual and Remembrance

A Labor Day of Faith

Sermon by Pastor Rachel Gardner Purdy, Presented to the Abraham Lincoln Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Springfield, IL on September 4, 2022. “It takes so much to get through life these days, especially since the onset of the pandemic. How do we survive the stress of work? How do we make it through our days when … Continue reading A Labor Day of Faith

Ever Willing: Becoming the People Our World Needs

This is the sermon presented,  by Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti, at General Assembly 2023 at the Sunday service.  The pandemic has wrought change and created uncertainty for institutions, like our Unitarian Universalist congregations, and our wider world. Who and what are we becoming, individually and collectively? Our GA Sunday service explores these themes as we gather in … Continue reading Ever Willing: Becoming the People Our World Needs

United Nations Day

2022-23 Worship Theme is “Displacement and Human Rights” UU congregations devote one Sunday to discuss the work of the UUA Office at the United Nations, the work of the United Nations itself, and how we as Unitarian Universalists both support the UN and hold it accountable to its ideals.  United Nations Day is October 24, the date … Continue reading United Nations Day

A Labor of Love

Sermon by Rev. Amanda Weatherspoon,  Associate Minister River Road Unitarian Universalist Church, Bethesda MD Although Labor Day is a time to honor and celebrate the paid labor it takes to keep our communities going, we know there are many forms of unpaid labor in our midst. How can we honor the many ways each of … Continue reading A Labor of Love

Vincible Grace

Video sermon by Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd, Senior Minister, River Road Unitarian Universalist Church, Bethesda, MD Sometimes we look for acts of invincible courage. The heroic times when someone in a great big cape with heaps of righteousness swoops in to change history. And yet, much of the time, history turns on the less invincible moments, … Continue reading Vincible Grace