Speaker: Leslie Runnels

A Message from the Pecans

Indigenous wisdom, trees, offerings, mycorrhizae, squirrels, and pie. Tamara Murray will lead the service In Person and on Zoom. Scheduled Greeters are Nina Helfert and Carolyn Burns.

After the Liberation, the Dishes

Placing ourselves in art, diving into ways mindfulness and meditation can bring more liberation into our lives …. and even then, we still have to do the mundane chores … and the sacred work continues.

Principled Liberation

Leslie Runnels offers “Principled Liberation” where we get to tangle with history, move our fingers, learn our Unitarian Universalist principles, listen to stories, sing, and re-commit to the life long journey of liberation for all beings. You are invited to stay after the service for Coffee Hour and get to know Leslie Runnels,  a candidate … Continue reading Principled Liberation