Building friendships and sharing experiences

Chalice Circles

Chalice Circles at NSUU are small groups of 6-10 who meet regularly (usually every 2 weeks) to explore some aspect of spirituality that brings people into right relationship with each other and with the larger world. Practicing a format of respectful listening and sharing, chalice circle members nurture each other while offering members expanded opportunities for growth, caring, and connection within our church community. Service is a strong component. Members choose one project to serve the church community, and one project to serve the larger community each year. As a shared ministry, chalice circles are always open to new members. For further information, please see the weekly update.

Circle Suppers

Circle Suppers are a tradition in many UU churches. Participating in Circle Suppers is a great way to get to know NSUU members and friends in a smaller, more personal setting, while at the same time enjoying a delicious meal and engaging conversation.
Circle Suppers are held periodically September thru April in members homes or the community center. The coordinator recruits the host and assigns the participants. Each person brings a dish to share (appetizer, wine, bread, salad, vegetable, entree, or dessert). Participants are encouraged to host a dinner sometime during the year, although this is not necessary. Socialization and comradeship are the sole purpose!

Book Club

The Book Club meets on a Sunday evening about every six weeks, although this schedule is flexible. Each meeting begins with a potluck supper and then members enjoy a discussion of the current book. The upcoming book is announced well in advance and a wide variety of reading material is selected. Our discussions are seldom limited to the book and frequently expand on life themes that the book subject suggests. Even if you haven’t had a chance to read the book, you are still invited to come and join in the discussion.
If this format appeals to you, join the Book Club. If you like to read or want to read more, join the Book Club. If you enjoy wonderful food, lively discussion and fellowship, join the Book Club. It is another way to get to know other members and friends and is always interesting!

Featured Artist

With many talented artists in our congregation, NSUU supports art in our community by periodically selecting a featured artist whose work is displayed in our church foyer and is available for purchase. On occasion there are also exhibits and sales around holidays, such as our annual Christmas Boutique.

Hot Art in a Cool Space

Each summer, NSUU hosts an art show, “Hot Art in a Cool Space” for artists in the community. This well attended show takes advantage of our open sanctuary to display art in an harmonious setting. All artwork is for sale, and is preceded by a “meet the artists” reception.


Northshore UU’s provide many opportunities to come together, to build friendships, and to share experiences. Throughout the year we celebrate holidays, seasonal changes, and special events with potlucks dinners in our church sanctuary, our community center, or on our beautiful church grounds.